Friday, 28 May 2010
Table of Conversion Factors
Multiply | By | To obtain |
Btu | 778 | Foot-pounds |
Btu per hour | 0.000293 | Kilowatts |
Centimeters | 0.3937 | Inches |
Cubic centimeters | 0.06102 | Cubic inches |
Cubic centimeters | 0.0002642 | Gallons |
Cubic feet | 0.028317 | Cubic meters |
Cubic feet | 1,728.0 | Cubic inches |
Cubic feet | 7.48052 | Gallons |
Cubic feet | 28.32 | Liters |
Cubic inches | 16.39 | Cubic centimetres |
Cubic meters | 35.3145 | Cubic feet |
Cubic meters | 61,023.0 | Cubic inches |
Cubic meters | 264.2 | Gallons |
Cubic meters | 1.308 | Cubic yards |
Cubic yards | 0.76453 | Cubic meters |
Feet | 30.48 | Centimeters |
Feet | 0.3048 | Meters |
Feet per minute | 0.508 | Centimeters per second |
Feet per minute | 0.01667 | Feet per second |
Gallons (US) | 3.785 | Cubic centimetres |
Gallons (US) | 0.1337 | Cubic feet |
Gallons (US) | 231 | Cubic inches |
Gallons (US) | 0.003785 | Cubic meters |
Gallons (US) | 3.7853 | Liters |
Gallons of water | 8.3453 | Pounds of water (at 60°F) |
Gallons per minute | 0.060308 | Liters per second |
Grams | 15,432 | Grains |
Horsepower | 33,000 | Foot-pounds per minute |
Horsepower | 2,546 | Btu per hour |
Horsepower | 42.42 | Btu per minute |
Horsepower | 1.014 | Horsepower (metric) |
Horsepower | 0.7457 | Kilowatts |
Inches | 2.54 | Centimeters |
Kilograms | 2.20462 | Pounds |
Kilograms per | 14.22 | Pounds per square square centimeter inch |
Kilometers | 0.62137 | Miles |
Kilowatts | 1.341 | Horsepower |
Kilowatts | 56.92 | Btu per minute |
Kilowatt-hours | 3415.0 | Btu |
Liters | 0.03531 | Cubic feet |
Liters | 61.02 | Cubic inches |
Liters | 0.2642 | Gallons |
Meters | 3.28083 | Feet |
Meters | 39.37 | Inches |
Meters | 1.094 | Yards |
Meters per minute | 3.281 | Feet per minute |
Meters per second | 3.281 | Feet per second |
Meters per second | 196.8 | Feet per minute |
Miles | 1.60935 | Kilometers |
Pounds | 0.45359 | Kilograms |
Pounds of water (60°F) | 0.010602 | Cubic feet |
Pounds of water (60°F) | 27.68 | Cubic inches |
Pounds of water (60°F) | 0.1198 | Gallons |
Pounds per sq. ft. | 4.883 | Kilograms per square meter |
Pounds per sq. in. Centimetre | 0.0703 | Kilograms per square |
Quarts | 0.946 | Liters |
Square centimeters | 0.1550 | Square inches |
Square feet | 929 | Square centimetres |
Square feet | 0.0929 | Square meters |
Square inches | 6.452 | Square centimetres |
Square meters | 10.765 | Square feet |
Watts | 3.415 | Btu per hour |
Watts | 0.01434 | Kilogram-calories per minute |
Watt-hours | 3.415 | Btu |
Watt-hours | 0.8605 | Kilogram-calories |
5 Responses to “Table of Conversion Factors”
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30 December 2010 at 20:00
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